Editorial policy

Our Medconsonline website is a source of reliable medical second opinions provided by experienced world-class experts. Our editorial policy aims to ensure the quality, reliability and integrity of the information we provide to users.

Our goals and principles in creating and editing content are to provide each visitor with the most objective and reliable result possible, i.e. the opportunity to receive advice from experienced experts based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Purpose and mission of the website

Medconsonline's goal is to provide customers with access to high quality health information that helps them make informed decisions about their health. Our mission is to ensure independence and objectivity in every publication on our blog, including sensitive data such as information on medical research and publications on a topic of interest to our customers.

Target audience

We address everyone who seeks to enrich their knowledge about medicine and health and get answers to their questions. Our blog is addressed to a wide audience, including people who are in search of reliable and up-to-date information about medical issues. Regardless of the level of training or professional experience of visitors to the site, we endeavour to meet the interests and needs of all those who care about being informed and making informed decisions about their health.

Subject matter and direction

Medconsonline website specialises in providing high quality and up-to-date information on medical topics. Our blog covers a wide range of medical areas including diagnosis, treatment, prevention and general healthy living principles. We stick to topics related to medical issues to ensure our readers have access to information that will help them better understand and take care of their health.

Editing procedures

Every blog post undergoes a rigorous editing process to ensure the highest quality and reliability of information. Our experts carefully fact-check, grammatically correct, structure and format content to meet our high standards. We pay particular attention to relevance and credibility, and ensure clarity and precision to make information accessible and understandable to our readers.

Sources of information

We adhere to high standards in selecting information sources for publications. Our experts have access to verified and authoritative medical data and scientific research. We endeavour to base articles on current publications and medical research to provide our readers with information that is up-to-date with the latest developments in medicine and healthcare. We always ensure that our sources are transparent and reliable to ensure the credibility of our information.

Conflict of interest

Medconsonline is committed to absolute independence and the absence of conflicts of interest that could affect the objectivity of our publications. We do not allow situations in which pharmaceutical companies, clinics or other organisations could influence the content of our blog. Our primary goal is to provide independent and objective information that serves the health interests of our readers. We guarantee honesty and transparency in all aspects of our work.

Publication rules

We strictly adhere to high standards of quality and structure of content on our website. Each article published on the Medconsonline blog is designed with a clear structure and logical sequence to ensure maximum clarity and accessibility of information for our readers. We are also committed to providing information based on current medical evidence and scientific research to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.

Comment policy

We welcome feedback and comments from our users. All comments left on our site are moderated to ensure respectful and informative discussion. We encourage the exchange of opinions and ideas, provided that comments meet high standards of courtesy and respect. Our aim is to create a friendly and constructive environment to discuss medical topics and share experiences.

Ethical rules

We adhere to strict ethical principles in all aspects of our work. Our experts and authors are committed to upholding high standards of professional ethics and responsibility when creating content. We guarantee the confidentiality of our users' information and ensure data security. We also adhere to transparency and objectivity in all our publications and consultations to serve the best interests of our readers' health.


We are always ready for your questions, comments and requests. Your opinion and feedback is valuable to us, so please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@medconsonline.com. We will ensure that every enquiry is given careful consideration and we will endeavour to provide you with the best possible support and answers to all your questions.

Medconsonline will be your trusted source of medical information that you can trust. Our goal is to provide access to expert knowledge and reliable medical second opinions. We operate to high standards of quality, independence and objectivity to support your health and wellbeing. We hope you find our blog to be a valuable source of information about medical issues, and we are always ready to serve you in the best way possible.