
Data according to § 5 TMG

A registered trademark of
TelDolMed GmbH

Postal address:

Fliethstrasse 112
41061 Mönchengladbach

Contact details:

Telephone: +4921612946101


The company is represented solely by its managing directors:

Kostiantyn Virko
Bakhtiar Balzhanov


Commercial Register number:

HRB Mönchengladbach


VAT registration number:

VAT ID number DE332650723 in accordance with Section 27a of the German VAT Act


Additional details:



MEDCONSonline is a registered trademark


Our websites and their content are subject to German copyright law. Any form of use, reproduction, or editing of copyrighted material on our websites requires the prior consent of the relevant copyright holder, unless expressly permitted by law (§ 44a ff. UrhG). Individual reproductions are only permitted for private use; i.e., they may not be used either directly or indirectly for profit. Unauthorized use of copyrighted material is punishable by law (Section 106 of the Copyright Act).


Picture credits:


Free Stock photos by Vecteezy


Warning: Please avoid self-diagnosis and self-medication!

Our website content is posted for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used for primary diagnoses-making and should not replace a consultation with a professional health care provider. If you have any health issues or complaints, please consult your primary physician.
Health care data provided for informational purposes is not an alternative to an in-person physician appointment.


Information pursuant to § 36 VSBG

Pursuant to Section 36 VSBG (Consumer Dispute Resolution Act), the operator of this website declares:

We are neither willing nor obligated to participate in the dispute resolution procedure in the consumer arbitration board.



You can find the EU platform for out-of-court dispute resolution on: