Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery

Dr. med., FEBOPRAS certified Stefan Hager

Head of the Private Clinic for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Duesseldorf

Experience  — 15 years
Rating  — 2

Plastic and aesthetic surgery


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Aesthetic facial surgery
Aesthetic breast surgery
Liposuction / lipofilling
Body contour correction
Non-invasive procedures
Plastic surgery for men

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Благодарю Д-ра Штефана Хагера за консультацию! Получила очень важные рекомендации и пояснения по предоставленным мною медицинским документам и снимкам.

Команда MedConsOnline

Уважаемая Алина, Большое спасибо, что нашли время и написали этот отзыв. Мы рады, что Вы остались довольны тем, что воспользовались заочной формой консультации. Желаем Вам здоровья! С уважением Менеджер MedconsOnline


My Zoom appointment with Dr.Hager helped me find the best solution of my chin issue, I had seen some other docs before, but this one could come up with the best solution. It was great I could discuss things online before making an in-person appointment. I would recommend the service to anyone considering remodeling surgery, you can get a lot of things cleared up before making the final decision.

Команда MedConsOnline

Dear Constantine, Thanks a lot for your time, Dr.Hager is indeed a very qualified face surgeon, and it’s an honor having him in our expert pool. We wish you all the best! Best regards, Your MedconsOnline Manager