Cardiac Surgery

Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Weymann

Deputy Department Head & Head of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery Section, Heart, Thorax-, Transplantation- and Vascular Surgery Department, Hannover Medical School

Experience  — since 2006
Rating  — 9
Timeframe   — 14 Days

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Clinical focus

• Specialist in cardiac surgery
• Additional qualification in transplant medicine
• Additional qualification in cardiac surgical intensive care medicine
• Master of Health Business Administration (MHBA)
• DGTHG certificate for transplant surgery of the thoracic organs


Research priorities
• Head of translational basic research
• Tissue engineering, organ protection, Langendorff Perfusion
• Heart and lung transplantation, mechanical circulatory support
• ARDS, cardiac imaging, outcome analysis
• Deep digital phenotyping, digital twin

Available services


Appointment Schedule

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Bilal Ahmed

My mother has tavi endocarditis and i would like to consult in this regard

Команда MedConsOnline

Dear Mr.Bilal Ahmed, thak you very much for reaching out, we will be happy to facilitate your consultation. Please, check you email for our message regarding further procedure.


Dear Professor Weymann, Thank you very much for your video consultation. It helped a lot to make a decision about my valve surgery, my doc had told me many times I’d needed it, but it was kind of hard to bring myself to do it. I guess I was not the first one to seek a second opinion in such a situation, but for me it was crucial indeed, I am feeling much better now.

Команда MedConsOnline

Dear Alaster, It is so nice to hear that Professor Weymann’s consultation was informative and encouraging. Thank you for your comment, and stay well! Sincerely yours, MedconsOnline Team


Профессор Вайманн – просто чудо! Я так рада, что решила воспользоваться его советом! У моего ребенка врожденный порок сердца, надеялись, что обойдется без операции, но состояние начало ухудшаться, и пришлось обратиться к хирургам. Сразу столько вопросов, перерыли с отцом интернет, пишут то одно, то другое. Среди разных вариантов обратили внимание на возможность получить второе мнение за рубежом. В нашем случае это было даже не второе, а еще одно. Но самое ценное! Сначала отправили доктору через Медконс все заключения и снимки, потом была видеоконференция. Самое главное, профессор сразу сказал, что бояться не надо, сына можно вылечить! Рассказал, как проходит операция, какие есть варианты, как будет проходить восстановление. Теперь уже все позади, сынок чувствует себя прекрасно. Рекомендуем всем советоваться с профессором Вайманном!

Команда MedConsOnline

Уважаемая Лидия! Да, действительно, профессор Вайманн – великолепный специалист и очень внимательный врач, это отмечают все пациенты. Рады Вашим успехам, желаем здоровья сыну и всей семье! С уважением, Менеджер MedconsOnline


Professor Weymann now works in Hannover

@Photo courtesy of Professor Alexander Weymann

In April 2023, one of our top experts became the head of minimally invasive heart surgery in a world-class clinic in northern Germany.

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Heart catheter pros and cons

When is cardiac catheterization necessary? What are the diagnostic and therapeutic uses of this method? Can coronarography be performed in all cases, or is a differentiated approach preferable? Leading German cardiologists answer all these questions in this article.

Atrial septal defect (ASD)

© Free Stock photos by Vecteezy

An atrial septal defect is a congenital abnormality. It is caused by the presence of an abnormal opening between the right and left heart chambers. Depending on the severity of the defect, it may not manifest itself at all, or may cause dyspnea, heart murmurs and other symptoms.

Coronary artery stenting

© Free Stock photos by Vecteezy

Coronary angioplasty and stenting is a method of treating coronary artery disease by restoring blood flow in the narrowed vessel that supplies blood to the heart. A heart catheterization is used to determine whether the procedure is indicated in each particular case.

Heart valve surgery: current approaches

@Photo courtesy of Professor Alexander Weymann

An artificial heart valve is a genuinely handmade work, a true masterpiece of doctor and scientist work. These implants, which are created by long and painstaking effort, save lives when one's own organ ceases to perform its natural "gateway" function.

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