Articles on neurology

The latest medical news, expert views on key health issues, as well as advice on disease prevention and management.


Long-awaited breakthrough in the fight against migraine: antibodies can prevent attacks of the disease

Marina Virko  Reviews — 1  5 minutes
Long-awaited breakthrough in the fight against migraine: antibodies can prevent attacks of the disease

Migraine in its various forms and manifestations is extremely common. The disease is characterized primarily by headache attacks and other symptoms of varying intensity and duration, often having a severe impact on a person's daily life.


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Shaky hands syndrome doesn't necessarily mean Parkinson's disease. What could be behind it?

Marina Virko  Reviews — 2  4,5 minutes
Shaky hands syndrome doesn't necessarily mean Parkinson's disease. What could be behind it?

Tremor does not always indicate parkinsonism, it can vary in nature. But in the absence of natural physiological causes, this symptom in any case should be taken seriously and needs timely and adequate action.

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Epilepsy in children: from supporting drugs to complete cure

Marina Virko  8 minutes
Epilepsy in children: from supporting drugs to complete cure

Childhood epilepsy is one of the most common the central nervous system disorders and can occur as early as in newborns. Just as in adults, in children it can take different forms, with seizures appearing seemingly for no particular reason.

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Epilepsy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Marina Virko  Reviews — 2  9 minutes
Epilepsy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

An epileptic seizure is not always accompanied by convulsions. Also, not every convulsion is a sign of epilepsy. To avoid misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment, a comprehensive examination is required, including a detailed anamnesis, evaluation of clinical symptoms and imaging tests. Important notice: diagnostic procedures should not be delayed!

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Eight out of ten back surgeries turn out to be unnecessary

Marina Virko  Reviews — 2  1 minute
Eight out of ten back surgeries turn out to be unnecessary

Most spinal surgeries may in fact be useless. Eight out of ten patients who requested a second opinion before elective surgery were advised not to undergo the procedure.

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Why Is Back Pain Misdiagnosed So Often?

Marina Virko  Reviews — 1  2 minutes
Why Is Back Pain Misdiagnosed So Often?

Back pain is one of the most common complaints. But although the problem is so widespread, wrong diagnoses are quite frequent.

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Health care data provided for informational purposes is not an alternative to an in-person physician consultation.