Articles on breast care

The latest medical news, expert views on key health issues, as well as advice on disease prevention and management.


Diffuse cystic mastopathy

Marina Virko
Diffuse cystic mastopathy

Specialists consider diffuse changes in the breast tissue as the initial stage of mastopathy. The condition is characterized by overgrowth of connective tissue with the formation of unformed lumps.

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Intraductal breast papilloma

Marina Virko  7 minutes
Intraductal breast papilloma

Benign breast masses have the ability to transform into malignant tumors. The same applies to intraductal breast papilloma. The disease occurs in women and girls of any age. 

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Breast fibroadenoma: first signs and symptoms

Marina Virko  15 minutes
Breast fibroadenoma: first signs and symptoms

Breast masses (or “lumps” in everyday speech) cause anxiety because it might be cancer. However, not all such growths are malignant. For example, fibroadenomas, which often occur in young women, are not cancerous, although they require constant monitoring by a breast care provider.

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Fibrocystic mastopathy: symptoms and treatment

Marina Virko  7 minutes
Fibrocystic mastopathy: symptoms and treatment

Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary glands, which is accompanied by changes in the glandular breast tissue. The condition affects 50-80% of women of childbearing age, mainly from 30 to 50 years, and is manifested by cycle-dependent breast swelling and pain, ending up with the formation of nodes and cysts. 

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Gynecomastia in men

Marina Virko  9 minutes
Gynecomastia in men

Fat deposits in the breast area are often found in severely overweight men. But, in addition to this, breast enlargement can indicate serious disorders in the male body. The condition is called gynecomastia. 

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Breast needle biopsy

Marina Virko  7 minutes
Breast needle biopsy

Breast biopsy is a diagnostic procedure aimed at obtaining the contents of an abnormal mass in the breast for histological examination using a needle. It is a minimally invasive and highly informative method. 

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Breast Cyst

Marina Virko  Reviews — 1  7 minutes
Breast Cyst

Cystic masses are characterized by hidden symptoms. They are often detected during preventive screening in women aged 30-50. If a breast cyst has been detected, the issue of specific treatment planning arises.

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Whan is mammography with tomosynthesis

Oleg Gluz  Reviews — 2  5 minutes
Whan is mammography with tomosynthesis

Mammography with tomosynthesis is an advanced method of breast examinations, allowing detailed three-dimensional visualization.

In this post our expert discusses all the pros and cons, indications and contraindications.

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