Second Opinion on Otolaryngology

Expert opinion and online consultations on a wide range of diseases and conditions available on your computer or any mobile device.

Remote consultations in otolaryngology are carried out in order to obtain a second opinion on the established or presumptive diagnosis of diseases of the ear, throat, nose, salivary glands, base of the skull, diagnosis and therapy of dizziness, sleep apnea, interpretation of the available results of clinical, laboratory, ultrasound, radiological CT, - MRI or PET examination, to receive recommendations for further treatment and diagnostic tactics. The main range of problems when this form of medical consultation is advisable and technically feasible, covers the following ENT diseases: benign and malignant tumors of the head and neck, nasal breathing disorders, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and middle ear, facial nerve damage, all types of hearing impairment, including malformations and trauma of the auditory nerve, hearing loss as a consequence of meningitis, tinnitus. Risk and the disease staging assessment could have a high degree reliability by the provision of the following examination results: CT, MRI, PET images, results of ENT diagnostics, audiometry, rhinomanometry, histological examination of tumors with histochemical differentiation, sleep laboratory studies, etc.

An otolaryngologist, involved in giving a second opinion, makes a conclusion about his agreement with the previous diagnosis, or questions its correctness on the basis of incomplete examination or different interpretation of its results. In the latter case are to be given the proposals for further diagnostic measures. An important aspect of the remote second opinion procedure is the assessment of therapeutic options and suggestions for the further treatment and observation tactics. The consulting doctor gives an opinion on the conservative or surgical treatment advisability. He can also, by the presence of a complete diagnostic picture, recommend a scheme of surgical, drug, physiotherapeutic or rehabilitation treatment.

The possibilities of getting a second opinion may be limited by the patients, patients who have not been successful in stopping the pathological process after applying modern drug treatment methods. This does not exclude creating of a new therapy plan, which could lead to treatment success or stabilization of the disease pathoprogression.


Specialists in Otolaryngology

You do not have to spend hours getting through busy hospital lines, or sitting in waiting rooms. Expert advice will be delivered fast and free of your effort.

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Reviews : Otolaryngology


Martin Westhofen

Благодарю Доктора Мартина Вестхофена за видеоконференцию по поводу вестибулярного синдрома! Мнение Доктора очень помогло мне при общении с лечащими врачами.

Тамара В.

Wilhelm Rosenstein

Очень полезные советы получила от Д-ра Розенштайна в ходе видеоконсультации! Благодарю Доктора за уделённое мне время! И большое спасибо сервису Медконсонлайн за обеспечение возможности получения такой консультации.

Нина Фёдоровна

Heinrich Iro

Всё-таки немецкие врачи очень хорошие, по крайней мере мне всегда везло. Жаль, что пока нет возможности приехать. Я решила воспользоваться сервисом второго мнения. Подробный письменный ответ и перевод на русский язык мне понравился, второе мнение всегд…


Heinrich Iro

Профессор Иро мне очень сильно помог с сыном. У сына простуды были все время, у нас в Казахстане врачи сказали аденоиды резать, и все. Хорошо, хватило ума спросить других. Доктор не сразу диагноз поставил, кроме анализов сказал, нужно узи. П…

Гарри Д.

Jochen Windfuhr

Хотел получить второе мнение врача из Германии, но пришлось довольно долго ждать ответа. Хотелось бы более быстрой реакции. Хотя в конце концов всё получилось.