Second Opinion on Gynecology

Expert opinion and online consultations on a wide range of diseases and conditions available on your computer or any mobile device.

Remote consultations in gynecology are carried out in order to obtain a second opinion on the already existing or presumptive diagnosis relating to female reproductive organs, to interpret the available results of clinical, laboratory, ultrasound, radiology (CT or MRI), nuclear (PET-CT, bone scan) examinations, to obtain recommendations for treatment or follow-up diagnostics.

The main range of problems when this type of medical advice is advisable and technically feasible includes the following conditions: inflammations, benign and malignant neoplasms of female genitalia (cervix, uterus, ovaries), hormonal and sexual disorders, menstrual irregularities, sexually transmitted infections, uterine prolapse. Patients can benefit from a gynecologist’s second opinion in terms of getting advice on performing the missing exams or determining the best timing and methods of surgery and / or adjuvant therapy. Endometriosis experts can explain conservative treatment or surgery options and their correct planning.

A gynecologist involved in giving a second opinion may agree with the original diagnosis, or question its accuracy if the initial examination was insufficient or its results were misinterpreted. In the latter case, the patient will be encouraged to undergo the missing follow-up tests.

A key benefit of a remote second opinion is the possibility to obtain an expert evaluation of the available therapeutic options and suggestions on the further treatment or monitoring procedure. The consulting specialist can also comment on the possible conservative treatment or surgery options. With an adequate volume of diagnostic data, a comprehensive treatment plan may be provided.

A second opinion will be of limited use in the case of life-threatening conditions, requiring urgent treatment, such as ectopic pregnancy or acute bleeding.


Specialists in Gynecology

You do not have to spend hours getting through busy hospital lines, or sitting in waiting rooms. Expert advice will be delivered fast and free of your effort.

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Reviews : Gynecology


Darius Salehin

Dr.Salehin was very helpful in explaining my pathology report. What he said did not actually oppose what my treating gynecologist had told me, but it was much more comprehensive and clear. When it concerns your life and health, it is certainly worthwhile…

Рузанна Д.

Darius Salehin

Специалист – гинеколог доцент Залеин провёл для меня очень хорошую дистанционную консультацию. Спасибо.


Oleg Gluz

Благодарю за очень подробную консультацию у специалиста по онкологическим заболеваниям молочной железы. Всё было очень хорошо организовано. Консультация принесла много пользы.


Darius Salehin

Приват – доцент Залеин заочно сделал для меня консультацию «второе мнение». Получила рекомендации по дальнейшему обследованию. Обязательно буду обращаться ещё.


Oleg Gluz

Большое спасибо за видеоконференцию с врачом Глуцем. Помог разобраться в ситуации, дал дельные рекомендации. Обязательно воспользуюсь ещё раз.


Oleg Gluz

Hi! Wanted to check my breast.