Second Opinion on Neurosurgery

Expert opinion and online consultations on a wide range of diseases and conditions available on your computer or any mobile device.

Remote consultations in neurosurgery are carried out in order to obtain a second opinion on the established or presumptive diagnosis of brain and spinal cord diseases, diseases of all parts of spine, peripheral nerves, interpretation of the prior results of clinical, laboratory, ultrasound, radiological CT, MRI or PET examination, to receive recommendations for further treatment and diagnostic tactics.

The main range of problems when this form of medical consultation is advisable and technically feasible, covers the following neurosurgical diseases: cerebral haemorrhages, intracranial aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations and fistulas, benign and malignant brain and spinal cord tumors, brain metastases, lesions and tumors of peripheral nerves, epilepsy, chronic pain, spasticity, cranial nerve neuralgia.

Risk and the disease staging assessment could have a high degree reliability by the provision of the following examination results: CT, MRI, PET images, results of electroneurological diagnostics, cerebrospinal fluid puncture studies, laboratory test results.

A neurosurgeon, involved in giving a second opinion, makes a conclusion about his agreement with the previous diagnosis, or questions its correctness on the basis of incomplete examination or different interpretation of its results. In the latter case are to be given the proposals for further diagnostic measures. An important aspect of the remote second opinion procedure is the assessment of therapeutic options and suggestions for the further treatment and observation tactics. The consulting doctor gives an opinion on the conservative or surgical treatment advisability. He can also, by the presence of a complete diagnostic picture, recommend a scheme of surgical, drug, physiotherapeutic or rehabilitation treatment.

The possibilities of getting a second opinion may be limited by the patients, who have not been successful in stopping the pathological process after applying modern drug treatment methods. This does not exclude creating of a new therapy plan, which could lead to treatment success or stabilization of the disease pathoprogression.


Specialists in Neurosurgery

You do not have to spend hours getting through busy hospital lines, or sitting in waiting rooms. Expert advice will be delivered fast and free of your effort.

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Reviews : Neurosurgery


Hans Clusmann

I think Professor Clussmann is super. His advice was a blessing when I was so much frustrated about my spine surgery. My doctor said I need it, still it was so frightening, just to think about it. Professor’s answer was clear cut: do it or things will g…

Валерий Николаевич

Hans Clusmann

Я просто восхищён рекомендациями Проф.Клусманна, полученными мной по видеосвязи по поводу пареза руки. Он очень вдохновил меня тем, что возможности консервативной терапии ещё не исчерпаны, и в моём случае есть шанс на частичное восстановление двига…


Hans Clusmann

Professor Clussmann’s review of my daughter’s situation was amazingly quick and precise. Uploading the MRI images with Medconsonline help had been very easy. Unfortunately, we were not happy about the conclusions since we had hoped for an operation, whi…

Blog : Neurosurgery

Eight out of ten back surgeries turn out to be unnecessary

Most spinal surgeries may in fact be useless. Eight out of ten patients who requested a second opinion before elective surgery were advised not to undergo the procedure.

Why Is Back Pain Misdiagnosed So Often?

Back pain is one of the most common complaints. But although the problem is so widespread, wrong diagnoses are quite frequent.

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