Second Opinion on Cardiac surgery

Expert opinion and online consultations on a wide range of diseases and conditions available on your computer or any mobile device.

Remote consultations in cardiac surgery are carried out in order to obtain a second opinion on the established or presumptive diagnosis of cardiovascular system diseases, interpretation of the prior results of clinical, laboratory, ultrasound, electrophysiological (ECG at rest and under stress, long-term ECG and blood pressure monitoring), radiological CT or MRI tests, nuclear examination (PET, scintigraphy), invasive coronary angiography, to receive recommendations for further treatment and diagnostic tactics.
The main range of problems when this form of medical consultation is advisable and technically feasible, covers the following cardiovascular diseases: heart defects, heart tumors, atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, aneurysms of the heart vessels, heart failure, arrhythmias.
Risk and the disease staging assessment of heart failure allows to identify the indications of an auxiliary circulatory system installation or implantation of an artificial heart.
Remote second opinion in the pediatric cardiac surgery allows to confirm the diagnosis of congenital heart disease, to obtain medical recommendations for further treatment, its scope, optimal timing and stages.

A cardiac surgeon, involved in giving a second opinion, makes a conclusion about his agreement with the previous diagnosis, or questions its correctness on the basis of incomplete examination or different interpretation of its results. In the latter case are to be given the proposals for further diagnostic measures. An important aspect of the remote second opinion procedure is the assessment of the surgical options and suggestions for the further treatment tactics.
The consulting doctor gives an opinion on the conservative, invasive or surgical treatment advisability, or a pacemaker implantation. He can also, by the presence of a complete diagnostic picture, recommend the most suitable, in this particular case, method of surgical intervention.

The possibilities of getting a second opinion may be limited by the patients with acute cardiac processes that require immediate intervention: myocardial infarction, acute heart failure with inflammatory heart diseases such as myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation), endocarditis (inner heart layer inflammation) and pericarditis (pericardium inflammation).
Second opinion after the end of acute phase could be helpful in assessment of the damage degree of the affected areas, residual symptoms, aneurysmal changes exclusion and prescribing of an optimal drug therapy.


Specialists in Cardiac surgery

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Reviews : Cardiac surgery

Бэлла Ефимовна Т.

Dietrich Baumgart

Давно прохожу обследования у профессора Баумгарта в Эссене. В этом году приехать не смогла, но отправила результаты в фирму Медконс. Они связали меня с профессором, он дал заключение. Очень хорошая форма коммуникации с врачом. Спасибо всем!


Dietrich Baumgart

Очень понравилась форма заочной консультации с немецким специалистом. На мои вопросы (речь шла о результатах обследования сердца) ответил доктор Баумгарт из Дюссельдорфа. Спасибо!

Сергей В.

Rudiger Autschbach

Маме нужна была операция на аневризме грудной аорты, врачи в Томске говорили, что можно сделать минимально-инвазивно, хотелось бы именно так, так как уже был инфаркт и шунтирование. Обратился к профессору Аучбаху как к специалисту по малоинвазивным …

Bilal Ahmed

Alexander Weymann

My mother has tavi endocarditis and i would like to consult in this regard


Dietrich Baumgart

Professor Baumgart did a great job explaining my heart issue, I mean things that’d been bothering me since my heart catheter procedure about a year ago. Gave some good advice too. Seems he’s got much experience. Considering a follow-up appointment in a c…

Николай Петрович

Dietrich Baumgart

Выражаю благодарность за прекрасно организованную заочную консультацию у кардиолога профессора Баумгарта. Профессор очень компетентно ответил на все мои вопросы, дал рекомендации. Особенно понравилось, что посоветовал новейшие медикаменты, которые мне …