Second Opinion on General allergology

Expert opinions and online advice on general allergology delivered via your computer or mobile device. Second opinion is available wherever there is an internet. All you need is a PC or a smartphone.

What is the service about?

A second opinion on general allergology is a service which makes it possible to get a remote consultation of a qualified specialist, based on available medical summary or study results.

It might be helpful:

• to confirm the existing diagnosis;

• to make sure that the recommended treatment is correct;

• to obtain information on advanced methods of diagnostics and treatment relating to general allergology issues;

• to get expert commentary on previously performed exam results;

• to make the right choice if there are two or more possible therapeutic options.


What will the client get?

Diagnostic conclusion, observation and treatment proposals, based on the provided information. In case of the provided initial data incompleteness, will be given recommendations for additional examinations.

What data should be provided to get a second opinion?

Written reports:

  • Medical report (desirable)
  • The results of the examinations,including skin and subcutaneous tests, as well as oral provocative tests, pulmonary function tests, (required)
  • List of medications, along with details of dosage and frequency of use (required)
  • Laboratory immune status test results (desirable)

Radiology data:

  • Chest CT (desirable)

Instrumental diagnostics:

  • Pulmonary function tests (required)
  • Bronchoscopy (desirable)

What are the second opinion formats and terms?

Written second opinion:

Making a report based on the data provided, the consulting specialist summary including a diagnostic report and recommendations for further diagnostic, treatment and observation tactics. Report size: up to 1 page. 

Video consultation:

All services of written second opinion. Additionally:, a 10-minute video consultation with a doctor, including a visual patient examination, clarification of symptoms, radiology images consulting, explanation of the proposed treatment tactics, answering patient's questions.

Phone consultation:

All services of written second opinion. Additionally: a 10-minute telephone consultation with a doctor, including clarification of symptoms, explanation of the proposed treatment tactics, answering patient's questions.


Specialists in General allergology

You do not have to spend hours getting through busy hospital lines, or sitting in waiting rooms. Expert advice will be delivered fast and free of your effort.

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Reviews : General allergology

Нина Фёдоровна

Heinrich Iro

Всё-таки немецкие врачи очень хорошие, по крайней мере мне всегда везло. Жаль, что пока нет возможности приехать. Я решила воспользоваться сервисом второго мнения. Подробный письменный ответ и перевод на русский язык мне понравился, второе мнение всегд…


Heinrich Iro

Профессор Иро мне очень сильно помог с сыном. У сына простуды были все время, у нас в Казахстане врачи сказали аденоиды резать, и все. Хорошо, хватило ума спросить других. Доктор не сразу диагноз поставил, кроме анализов сказал, нужно узи. П…


Said Hilton

I was not sure a remote consultation could work for my skin issue. Still, I decided to try since I simply could not leave home being busy with my kids. I sent a couple of photos and full description of what was bothering me, and the doctor came up with a…

Ирина Петровна

Said Hilton

Большое всем спасибо за заочную консультацию у немецкого врача доктора Хилтон. Я очень довольна результатом.


Said Hilton

Врач доктор Хилтон очень помог мне поставить правильный диагноз, хотя консультировал по скайпу.

Тамара В.

Wilhelm Rosenstein

Очень полезные советы получила от Д-ра Розенштайна в ходе видеоконсультации! Благодарю Доктора за уделённое мне время! И большое спасибо сервису Медконсонлайн за обеспечение возможности получения такой консультации.