Blog – Page 3

The latest medical news, expert views on key health issues, as well as advice on disease prevention and management.


Cholecystitis (Inflammation of the gallbladder)

Marina Virko  12 minutes
Cholecystitis (Inflammation of the gallbladder)

The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver. Our body needs this fluid to break down fats obtained from food. The fats are then broken down and absorbed in the duodenum, where the bile gets through the bile duct. 

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Gallstone disease (gallstones)

Marina Virko  12 minutes
Gallstone disease (gallstones)

Generous and fatty meals may sometimes provoke sudden cramps and severe pain in the right upper abdomen. If a piece of creamy cake or a few hard-boiled eggs lead to such unpleasant consequences, most likely, you should suspect gallstone disease.


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Liver cirrhosis: main symptoms and treatment

Marina Virko  9,5 minutes
Liver cirrhosis: main symptoms and treatment

The disease, like many other dangerous conditions, is almost undetectable in its first stages. It is generally believed that liver cirrhosis is related to alcohol, but there may be many more causes. It is extremely important to undergo treatment, otherwise the disorder can be fatal due to progressive liver damage.

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Getting ready for a CT scan of the lungs

Marina Virko  8 minutes
Getting ready for a CT scan of the lungs

A study called a lung CT has become widely known in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it can detect much more than the changes related to the notorious virus. 

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MRI of the lungs and bronchi: respiratory organs seen in tiniest detail

Marina Virko  4,5 minutes
MRI of the lungs and bronchi: respiratory organs seen in tiniest detail

Assessing the nature, localization and extent of a lesion is of paramount importance in lung diagnosis. These questions are the domain of radiology. X-rays and CT scans are commonly used, but in recent years physicians have become increasingly aware of the diagnostic potential of MRI of the lungs and bronchi.

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Tirzepatide for diabetes and obesity: efficacy and mechanism of action

Marina Virko  Reviews — 1  8 minutes
Tirzepatide for diabetes and obesity: efficacy and mechanism of action

Tirzepatide (branded Munjaro) improves blood sugar metabolism in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes. It is able to reduce body weight by up to 26.6% on average.

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A Second Opinion from Expert Center is Crucial for Liver Mts Surgery

Marina Virko  Reviews — 2  2 minutes
A Second Opinion from Expert Center is Crucial for Liver Mts Surgery

A German tumor center says patients with liver metastases of colon cancer should promptly seek a second opinion from a major center of expertise.

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Long-awaited breakthrough in the fight against migraine: antibodies can prevent attacks of the disease

Marina Virko  Reviews — 1  5 minutes
Long-awaited breakthrough in the fight against migraine: antibodies can prevent attacks of the disease

Migraine in its various forms and manifestations is extremely common. The disease is characterized primarily by headache attacks and other symptoms of varying intensity and duration, often having a severe impact on a person's daily life.


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Health care data provided for informational purposes is not an alternative to an in-person physician consultation.