CT Second Opinion

A reevaluation of СТ scans provided by a radiology expert. The service is available wherever there is an internet. All you need is a PC or a smartphone.

Computed tomography (CT) is a modern imaging procedure that has become an indispensable part of everyday clinical practice. Its goal is to produce two- or three-dimensional images from a large number of X-rays taken at different angles and processed with special computer software.

A particular advantage of CT scans over conventional X-rays is the better imaging of soft tissue structures. Moreover, large areas of the body can be examined in a very short time. A special imaging technique helps avoid the overlapping of organ images that can occur in X-rays, which significantly increases diagnostic accuracy. In addition, the morphological nature of the visualized areas (fluid structure, fatty or normal tissue) can be determined using density measurements.

Computed tomography is often called the “workhorse” of radiology. The method is particularly effective for examining the brain, bones and some internal organs (e.g., liver and spleen). Large vessels (aorta) are displayed very well with the help of contrast agent injection. Multispiral CT scans are used for the early detection of lung tumors or calcifications in coronary vessels.

Contrast agents used in CT scans are usually iodine-containing solutions. As a rule, they are well tolerated and are discharged after some time via the kidneys. The contrast is needed to better visualize blood vessels, tumors with an active blood supply, or inflammations.

What is the service about?

A CT second opinion is a service which makes it possible to get an alternative description and interpretation of computed tomography scans.

It might be helpful:

•             to prove the existing diagnosis;

•             to confirm indications for further exams, e.g. a biopsy;

•             to obtain a more detailed description of CT scans;

•             to make the right choice if there are different opinions regarding  the volume of surgery;

•             to get an opinion of an acknowledged expert whenever the quality of the existing report is doubtful.

What will the client get?

A written CT  report including comments on the imaging quality and informative value, the detailed description of findings,  conclusions in regard to the possible nature of the identified suspicious areas, tumors and other abnormalities, the progress assessment (if the previous study was provided for comparison) and specific recommendations for further course of action (further or follow-up examinations).

What data should be provided to get a second opinion?

Written reports:

  • Treating physician's report (preferable)  
  • A description of the CT imaging to be assessed (preferable)

Radiology data:

  • CT scan (required)


What are the second opinion formats and terms?

Written second opinion:

  • A CT interpretation with conclusions and recommendations of further procedure. Report size: up to 1 page.

Video consultation:

  • All services contained in the written second opinion plus an up to 15-minute video conference with the radiologist in which the consulting expert comments on the imaging, explains the conclusions, discusses the recommended plan and answers the patient's questions.

Phone consultation:

  • All services contained in the written second opinion plus an up to 10-minute telephone talk with the radiologist in which the consulting expert explains the conclusions, discusses the recommended plan and answers the patient's questions.

Specialists in CT Second Opinion

You do not have to spend hours getting through busy hospital lines, or sitting in waiting rooms. Expert advice will be delivered fast and free of your effort.

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Reviews : CT Second Opinion



Хорошо придумали, что можно прямо из дома отправить снимки врачу в другую страну.

Бахтияр Б.

Rotham Lanzman

Спасибо МЕДКОНСу за организацию заочной консультации моих МРТ – снимков. Было быстро и эффективно. Доктор Ланцман написал заключение, а фирма быстро помогла перевести.

Володимир П.


Спасибо за быструю и высокопрофессиональную оценку моих рентгеновских снимков. Второе мнение было очень полезным для меня.

Александра С.


Рентген шейного отдела позвоночника у меня вызывал много вопросов, поэтому обратилась за вторым мнением к иностранному специалисту. На все вопросы получила ответ. Понравилось, что быстро. Спасибо.


DIE RADIOLOGIE Radiology Center, Munich

Сделал у себя в городе ПЭТ-КТ, но никак не мог добиться от местных врачей нормального заключения, много неясностей и непонятные выводы. Через Медконс заказал описание в немецкой клинике, сделали все очень быстро, перевели на русский, теперь ситуа…

Кирилл Максимович


Второе мнение по поводу МРТ – снимков головы мне посоветовал получить мой доктор. Он не согласился с заключением врача – радиолога и рекомендовал послать снимки в Германию. МЕДКОНС мне организовал такую консультацию в клинике Радпракс. Ответ со…

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