Second Opinion on Hypertension

Expert opinions and online advice on hypertension delivered via your computer or mobile device. Second opinion is available wherever there is an internet. All you need is a PC or a smartphone.

High blood pressure (hypertension) occurs in many people. They don't usually feel it, so their blood vessels remain under excessive strain for many years. If the  high blood pressure persists, it can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and kidney damage. The higher it is, the greater the risk of disease.

Normal range limits

When measuring blood pressure, two numbers are recorded, which are always indicated together, e.g. 128 by 85. The first one is systolic blood pressure. It indicates how much pressure the blood is exerting against artery walls when the heart beats. The second is called diastolic, which means the pressure between the heartbeats.

Blood pressure is considered high if the systolic number is above 140, the diastolic value is over 90, or both are elevated. These limits have been established for practical reasons and are only a guideline. Therefore, recommendations as to when and how high blood pressure should be handled may vary from case to case.

Hypertension consequences

Constantly high blood pressure can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disorders and other organ damage.

Possible consequences may include:

- circulatory disorders in the lower extremities (peripheral vascular disease);

- heart failure;

- myocardial infarction;

- stroke;

- impaired renal function.

Treatment of hypertension

The risk of high blood pressure complications can be reduced by appropriate disease management.

However, in addition to therapy, there are a number of measures that help normalize blood pressure, which the patient can take on his or her own. For example, this includes weight loss, a reduction in salt intake, and increased physical activity.

If this alone is not sufficient, treatment with drugs is prescribed. Currently, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, calcium antagonists, and diuretics are considered as primary measures; beta-blockers may also be used in some cases. However, the decision to initiate therapy, as well as setting the blood pressure target values and the type of therapy must be tailored individually by the treating physician.

Why might you need a remote consultation on hypertension? 

If the increase in blood pressure is not occasional but persistent, or if there is already a diagnosis of hypertension, an independent assessment by an experienced specialist can provide a timely answer to the key questions:

  • Was the extent and type of your diagnostic workup sufficient to make a diagnosis and draw conclusions about the treatment strategy?
  • Is there a need for additional exams to detect possible complications?
  • Is your hypertension primary or secondary?
  • Can the causes of high blood pressure be eliminated?
  • What are the target levels of my blood pressure?
  • Is the disease adequately controlled with the current drug therapy?
  • Are there more effective or safer drugs and/or regimens available?

What will the client get?

Our expert, having carefully analyzed the data obtained, shall provide an individual case review, including confirmation of the diagnosis and comments on the sufficiency of diagnostic tests and interpretation of their findings.

You will receive recommendations for further actions, e.g. initiation of therapy, if it has not been started yet, or improvement in the current regimen, as well as comments on the latest blood pressure control drugs and procedures.

The expert consultation will also include answers to specific questions, such as individual risks of damage to vital organs and systems, side effects of medications, or the need to take active measures to treat complications of the disease.

What data should be provided to get a hypertension second opinion? 

The amount of information required is to be specified on a case-to-case basis. The primary list shall include:

  • blood pressure readings (contained in the doctor's report or as a home blood pressure diary);
  • blood test (kidney function panel, lipid levels) and urine test results;
  • ECG, Echo-CG and ultrasound of the great vessels.

Additionally, depending on availability and necessity, Holter monitoring readings, cardiac CT or MRI findings, abdomen and thyroid ultrasound results may be provided.

In which ways can hypertension remote advice be delivered?

Written counseling:

Review of the available medical data provided in writing. The report shall contain the overall assessment of the situation, as well as conclusions and treatment recommendations.

Basic size: up to 1 page.

Video appointment:

All services included in the written consultation. Above them, a video appointment with the doctor, where he/she shall perform a visual inspection, if necessary; clarify the symptoms, explain the proposed strategy and answer the patient's questions.

Duration: up to 15 minutes.

Telephone consultation:

All services included in the written consultation. Above them, a phone talk with the doctor, where he/she shall clarify the symptoms, explain the proposed strategy and answer the patient's questions.

Duration: up to 15 minutes.


Specialists in Hypertension

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Reviews : Hypertension


Werner Scherbaum

Спасибо за заочную консультацию в Дюссельдорфе, у профессора Шербаума. Всё чётко и информативно.

Арам Ашотович

Dietrich Baumgart

Благодарен за заочную консультацию лично у профессора Баумгарта. Могу только рекомендовать всем этого отличного специалиста.

Григорий Львович

Dietrich Baumgart

Профессор Баумгарт провёл со мной очень хорошую онлайн – консультацию. Это помогло мне принять правильное решение, за что я очень ему благодарен. Спасибо Медконсу!

Ольга Ивановна Т.

Werner Scherbaum

Мне очень нужно было получить независимое суждение по лечению остеопороза. У меня очень сложный случай, врачи дома к единому мнению прийти не могли. По совету подруги стала искать эндокринолога за рубежом. Через компанию Медконс удалось записаться на зао…

Давид Михайлович

Werner Scherbaum

Получил услугу заочной консультации. Требовался опытный эндокринолог, обращением к профессору Шербауму из Дюссельдорфа доволен. Только на основании анализов и данных специальной анкеты этот профессор хорошо разобрался в моей ситуации и дал очень полез…

Камил Ч.

Werner Scherbaum

Профессор Шербаум очень подробно составил заочное заключение на основании моих жалоб и результатов лабораторного анализа. Получил рекомендации по лечению сахарного диабета, особенно важно было, что поменял медикаменты. Консультацией доволен.